
TOP 4 frequently asked questions in Go programming (P1)


Go is a popular programming language used for developing fast and efficient applications. When programming with Go, some frequently asked questions arise, just as they do with any other language. In this article, we will go over four of the most common Go programming questions.

How to Check if a Map Contains a Key in Go?

Go has a built-in data structure called map, which is similar to HashMap in Java, and Dictionary in C#.

Maps store key-value pairs, and of course, the complexity is O(1).

To check if a map contains a key in Go, you can use the following syntax:

v, ok := myMap[key]
if ok {
    // key exists in map
    // use value as needed
} else {
    // key does not exist in map

This syntax uses a comma ok idiom to check if the key exists in the map.

The v will be a zero value, so you need to be careful to access it.

How to Efficiently Concatenate Strings in Go?

In Go, strings are immutable, which means that once a string is created, it cannot be changed.

This can make string concatenation inefficient, as each concatenation operation creates a new string.

To concatenate strings easier in Go, you can use the strings.Builder.

var builder strings.Builder
builder.WriteString("Hello, ")
result := builder.String()

In this example, a strings.Builder object is created, and the WriteString method is used to append strings to the builder.

The final result is obtained using the String method of the builder. Using strings.Builder can be more efficient than using the + operator to concatenate strings in Go.

How to Write Multiline Strings in Go?

In Go, string literals can be written using double quotes or backticks.

Use double quotes for string literals that contain escape sequences like \r\n .

And backticks are used for raw string literals that can span multiple lines.

Here is an example of how to write a multiline string literal in Go:

str := `This is multiline string
literal in Go.`

In this example, the backticks indicate that the string is a raw string literal, and the newline characters are included in the string without specifying it by adding \n.

Raw string literals can include any character except backticks, which must be escaped using a backslash.

param := "some character"
str := fmt.Sprintf(`This is amultiline string
literal with param %s in Go.`, param)

How to Use Struct Tags in Go?

In Go, struct tags are annotations that can be added to the fields of a struct.

The syntax of this is: tagName:TagValue[,tagName2:Value] , and don’t forget the backticks.

Struct tags provide metadata about the fields, such as their name, type, and how they should be serialized or deserialized.

They can be used into specifying the name of properties in JSON or XML you want to marshal, or for your customization purposes.

Here is an example:

type Person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`

It can also be accessed using reflection:

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`

func main() {
    p := Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 30}
    t := reflect.TypeOf(p)

    for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
        field := t.Field(i)
        fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", field.Name, field.Tag.Get("json"))

In this example, we use the reflect package to get the type of the Person struct.

We then loop over the fields of the struct and print the name of the field and the value of the "json" tag.


Name: name
Age: age

The Tag field of the StructField type returned by reflect.TypeOf() gives access to the struct tags. The Get() method of the Tag type returns the value of the specified key (in this case, "json").

Struct tags can be used for other purposes as well. For example, they can be used to validate data or to provide hints to a code generator. By using struct tags, you can add metadata to your structs that can be used by other parts of your code or by external libraries.


These are three of the most commonly asked questions in Go programming: how to check if a map contains a key, how to efficiently concatenate strings, and how to write multiline strings.

By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient and effective Go code. Additionally, websites like Stack Overflow can be a valuable resource for finding answers to more specific Go programming questions.